Thursday, January 28, 2010


The only thing I dislike about winter is freezing my butt off. I wish we could have snow, but also be warm at the same time. It would be an amazing thing. I can walk into school, thinking that I'll actually be able to warm up. But the school is the same temperature as it is outside. It's insane! No wonder we're all sick all the time, and missing school.


While waking up for school in the morning, I look out the window. Wishing for snow, I find myself not knowing whether I want to go to school or not. When being a senior, it's hard to decide whether I want a snow day. When I think back on all the years I've went to school, I could never think of a day when I didn't want a school day. While staring out the window, I finally make my decision. Winter is an amazing thing, thank God for snow days.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ugly Words

I don't think I've ever noticed any words that I've thought were ugly until now. I have thought of random words and these are the ones I have recently found to be just plain ugly: snot, mucus, pus, vomit, spit.

I'm sure there are many more words, but those are just the ones that I thought of right off the top of my head. I have no idea how people came up with some of the words we use today. I've always wondered what was going through there mind when they thought of these.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Idea

I remember when I was younger, and we had those air fresheners that you had to push down in order for it to work. Well, I was probably about 7 or so at the time and I got this bright idea to try and open one with a butter knife. I wanted to know how the heck they got the air freshener in there. So as I was prying away at the darn thing, the knife slipped, and I sliced my finger. I cut was to my bone, and my mom started freaking out. She took me to the doctor and bandaged it up. I know I was a kid, but it still wasn't the smartest idea a kid could have.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


In the next 12 months I'm going to be graduating, packing my stuff and moving into my dorm in Murray, and possibly starting band camp with the Racer Band. I've got a lot of growing up to do, and a lot of learning how to making it on my own. I have to fins a job to support myself as I'm going through college, and I have to make new friends. I'm extremely nervous about moving to a different town without my family and friends, but somehow I must make it. My life is going to change completely, may it be for the better or worse. My hopes are that it will be for the better, but if it's not, you live and you learn. It's all part of growing up, and being who you knew you were alway meant to be.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I find most superstitions of be extremely silly. Like a black cat walking in front of you, and fearing the number 13. But on the other hand, I catch myself tossing salt over my shoulder when I spill it, avoiding latters, and knocking on wood. I am sure that people would think that my superstitions. But if I don't knock on wood, or though some salt over my shoulder, I feel anxious.

Monday, January 4, 2010


As I sit here on the first day of my last semester of my high school career, first I wonder if that has made sense, but mostly I ponder about my years here at Apollo. I still feel like I should be a freshman on my first day of high school, feeling scared and worried. I remember thinking about how my senior year would be and to be honest, it's definitely not what I expected. I expected having a job, driving to school everyday, having a blast at school, and driving home just to do nothing. As of now, I'm not doing any of those things. I have no job, therefore I have no money for insurance or gas, so I can't drive. I find myself trying to make up for my freshman, sophomore, and junior year. I was a slacker those years, not knowing that I'd be paying for it now. I find myself with scholarships due, and trying to figure out how in the world I'm going to pay for college. I find myself becoming an adult in 6 days, with no idea what's ahead of me. I find myself worrying about what I'm going to do in the long run and how I'm going to make a living. I'm barely an adult, and I feel like I have all the stress of the world on my shoulders. But somehow I know that I can do this, that I can make it in the world. With my parents helping me along the way, teaching me what is right and what's wrong. Somehow I know things are going to be just fine.