Thursday, December 3, 2009


For Christmas, I actually want a few things. I would like a new camera, a new car, and a laptop. I already know that I'm not getting any of these things. Because my parents started a tradition last year, and now they just buy us a visa card with only $100 on it. I'm not complaining, but personally I do not think that's Christmas. I want to wake up wondering what I'm getting. It takes all the fun out of Christmas.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Veterans Day

Yesterday was Veterans Day. It's kind of ironic because lately I've been thinking about joining the Navy, or the Marines. It was just in case I didn't get acceoted into Murray State, but I did. Then I got to thinking that it would be kind of cool to enter being a doctor. I'd be helping wounded soldiers, doing my part as a citizen. It was just a random thought one day, but now it seems to be looking like something I might actually do. So if medical school and becoming a cardiologist ever fails, I always have a fall back plan.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Over fall break, I went to visit Murray State. The campus was beautiful. I have no negative comments about it. The only thing that really made me want to re-think things was the dorm room. I would say that it's either the same size of my room, or maybe a little smaller. But I just had to look past that. The campus is a whole lot bigger than I thought it would be. I really hope I get accepted. I've just waiting for the letter.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I remember the first day of my freshman year, sitting in my first class thinking, 'i can't wait until college.' Now that I'm sitting here as a senior in high school, I wouldn't say that I'm regretting saying that, but it seems so unreal. It seems like yesterday I was sitting in that class saying that. I didn't believe everyone when they said that high school would fly by, and that I should be sitting around the house. My time seems so limited now, which seems odd. I still have some many months to go before I head off to college. But I can already feel the stress of it all. Call me crazy for stressing, but all of these questions are running through my mind. But whether I'm ready for college or not, it's going to happen. Murray State University, here I come!


To me autumn is blue jeans, short sleeve t-shirt, and a light jacket weather. I love the way it feels outside, it's never too hot or too cold. I like to call it perfect marching weather, because I'm in the marching band, and it's amazing to just go out there and it feels wonderful.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I agree with Mark Twain, because even traveling with family drives me crazy. Also, with friends. The farthest I've been with friends is just to Madisonville, and I wanted to pull my hair out then. I couldn't imagine going farther than that. But then again, we're going to go up to Murray the weekend after my birthday. We'll just have to see how that works out.


If I couldn't bathe everyday, I would probably go insane. I honestly do not see how the people back then only took one bath a year. That just seems so disgusting to me, and I know good and well that I couldn't take that. Did they not stink? I mean come on, that's so gross.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

If I Couldn't Write.

If I couldn't write, I would be in bad shape. I live to write, no, I actually write to live. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I sit down and write. It's a way to vent, and just let all of my stress out into words. It's an amazing release.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Spring makes me think about sun shine, rain, and great weather. Spring makes me want to get up, go outside, and just walk around. But I would have to say that my favorite season by far is Fall. The weather is usually just right, it's never too hot or too cold. The leaves start to change colors and falling off. I think when it's Fall, everything just seems to be more beautiful.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Life Without Potatoes.

My life without potatoes would be miserable. I love fries, chips, and mashed potatoes. I could not imagine going to McDonald's and not getting any fries. Or even to the store and not seeing a whole isle full of chips. I don't think any teenager could survive without potatoes, we live on fries and chips already. Sometimes that's our only source of vegetables daily, even though it's not healthy what so ever. Also, I really don't think that you could consider that a vegetable.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Love is Blind.

I think love is blind. I think so because no matter who you are, someone out there loves you. Also, I think that love know no color, or no gender. But of course that's just my opinion. I'm very posivtive that others will disagree with me. If love was not blind, I'm sure a lot of us would be in trouble. But luckily for us, it is.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


My family means everything to me. Without them, I really don't know where I'd be today. Well, actually I wouldn't even be here. When I'm down, they are the people who are there to catch me, and hel me back on my feet. My role in my family is just to be a big sister to my brothers. They're five, and I always have to watch what I'm saying and doing at all times. But that really doesn't bother me, because they keep me in check.